
702, 2020

Patient Testimonial – Pelvic Floor Pain

Fri February,2020|

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Dr. Miklos, but there are no words to thank him enough. Dr. Miklos is the most humble and selfless doctor I have had the pleasure to know. He is unique in that he does not just soothe your symptoms but treats them. He also goes out of his way to provide you with top-notch referrals for any further treatments outside of [...]

302, 2020

Preventing Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Mon February,2020|

Pelvic Organ Prolapse is caused by a variety of things, including vaginal childbirth, trauma, nerve damage, muscle strain, increased abdominal pressure (often due to being overweight, chronic cough, or straining) and age, which naturally weakens muscles. Older women are more likely to experience this, and the number of women affected is increasing due to longer lifespan. Pelvic Organ Prolapse happens when one or more of a woman’s organs in the [...]

2501, 2020

Vaginal Lengthening for Surgically Shortened Vaginas

Sat January,2020|

Vaginal Lengthening for Surgically Shortened Vaginas (pain with intercourse)   Most patients who undergo a laparoscopic Davydov Neovagina do so because they have the condition known as MRKH.  MRKH also known as Meyer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome is a condition which effects approximately 1/4000 patients and the patient is born without a full uterus and usually only a dimple for a vagina. However, the second most common reason for vaginal lengthening surgery is [...]

2401, 2020

What to Expect After a Hysterectomy

Fri January,2020|

After a hysterectomy, you will have a brief recovery time in the hospital. Your recovery time at home, before you can get back to all your regular activities, will vary depending on the procedure you had. Abdominal hysterectomy: Most women go home two to three days after this surgery, but complete recovery takes from six to eight weeks. During this time, you need to rest at home. You should not [...]

1801, 2020

MRKH Patients – Surgeons Perform Laparoscopic Neovagina

Sat January,2020|

MRKH Patients – Surgeons Perform 3 laparoscopic Neovagina in One Day On January 7th, 2020 Drs’ Miklos & Moore performed three laparoscopoic Davydov Neovaginas in one day, two for MRKH and one for vaginal shortening. These 3 women, two of which were from Florida and the other from Maine, scoured the country looking for a surgeon with the experience, expertise, reputation and compassion to fulfill their surgical dreams. How is [...]

1001, 2020

Common Complications from Using Mesh

Fri January,2020|

There are many complications associated with Transvaginal mesh, slings, and sacrocolpopexy. Tens of thousands of women have been affected by Transvaginal mesh in some form to treat pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence. Unfortunately, many patients suffer needlessly and are even told that nothing can be done about the symptoms of their complication. While it is certainly true that complications from any pelvic floor surgery are complex, true experts [...]

601, 2020

Vaginal Shortening and the Laparoscopic Neovagina

Mon January,2020|

Vaginal shortening can occur after any gynecologic surgery. When shortening occurs, it can be one of the most difficult complications to correct. Procedures that could cause vaginal shortening include: hysterectomy, vaginal prolapse repair, bladder suspension surgery, bladder tack, anterior repair, posterior repair, enterocele repair, vaginal mesh surgery, sacrospinous ligament suspension, vault suspension, or after cervical or uterine cancer surgery and radiation therapy. A shortened vagina as a result of these [...]

301, 2020

Perineoplasty to the Rescue!

Fri January,2020|

There’s no doubt that the medical world is a confusing place. It seems like no matter the ailment, modern medicine has found a way to solve many issues women experience. This is especially true in the world of vaginal procedures such as the perineoplasty. Drs. Miklos and Moore are here to help define perineoplasty as well as its intended function for a woman. What is perineoplasty? Perineoplasty is a surgery [...]

2612, 2019

Bladder Suspension

Thu December,2019|

Bladder suspension refers to the surgery that helps place a sagging bladder back into its normal position. What is it? Bladder suspension surgery is a procedure that can be used to treat urine leakage that occurs when a person sneezes, laughs, or coughs, a condition called stress incontinence. Childbirth, as well as hormonal changes that come with menopause, can cause a woman to lose muscle tone along the pelvic floor. [...]

2312, 2019

Non-Surgical Options for SUI and POP

Mon December,2019|

SUI and POP – or Stress Urinary Incontinence and Pelvic Organ Prolapse – are common, distressing, and costly conditions for women. It is estimated that 25 million Americans suffer from urinary incontinence, with stress urinary incontinence as the predominant type. This can lead to social isolation and depression. In many cases, pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence occur concomitantly. In a recent study done by Doctor Miklos and Doctor [...]

2012, 2019

Treating Vesicovaginal Fistulas

Fri December,2019|

Vesicovaginal Fistulas (also known as VVF, or Vaginal Fistulas) are abnormal tracts extending between the bladder and the vagina that allow the continuous involuntary discharge of urine into the vaginal vault. The effects of this disorder extend beyond a woman’s physical discomfort and can severely impair their lives on a social, sexual, and emotional level. World-renowned Doctors Miklos and Moore understand the severity of VVF and have effectively provided relief [...]

1212, 2019

Perineoplasty to the Rescue!

Thu December,2019|

Perineoplasty (also perineorrhaphy) denotes the plastic surgery procedures used to correct clinical conditions (damage, defect, deformity) of the vagina and the anus. Among the vaginal-anal conditions resolved by perineoplasty are vaginal looseness, vaginal itching, damaged perineum, incontinence, genital warts, dyspareunia, intraoital stenosis, vaginismus, vulvar vestibulitis, and decreased sexual sensation. Depending upon the vaginal-anal condition to be treated, there are two variants of the perineoplasty procedure: the first, to tighten the [...]

2011, 2019

44 year old Woman with Stress Urinary Leakage Mini Sling

Wed November,2019|

44 year old Woman with Stress Urinary Leakage Mini SlingMF is a 44 year old woman who presented with urinary leakage with laugh, cough sneeze and with exercise, classic symptoms of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). She previously delivered2 children vaginally with no complications, current ages 10 and 14. She developed occasional urinary leakage with big sneezes or coughing in her 30’s, but it was rare and did not really [...]

1911, 2019

Botched Labia

Tue November,2019|

Botched Labia This 26-year-old Michigan patient presents to Dr Miklos with a botched labiapasty which was performed only 6 months earlier. She had the initial labiaplasty because she suffered from pain, irritation and discomfort.  She felt the pain was due to the labia minora protruding beyond the edge of the labia majora. This patient is distraught over the results of her labiaplasty. She has not had intercourse since her [...]

1811, 2019

Labial Tear Labiaplasty – Cosmetic Vaginal Surgery

Mon November,2019|

Labial Tear Labiaplasty Cosmetic Vaginal Surgery Labial tears are best repaired using a type of labiaplasty which is defined as plastic surgery on the labia. This is an 18-year-old female who comes to Miklos and Moore Urogynecology for cosmetic repair of a torn labia. Her tear did not occur with childbirth like many women but instead due to a childhood injury while playing. She injured her labia while on [...]


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