MRKH Patients – Surgeons Perform 3 laparoscopic Neovagina in One Day

On January 7th, 2020 Drs’ Miklos & Moore performed three laparoscopoic Davydov Neovaginas in one day, two for MRKH and one for vaginal shortening. These 3 women, two of which were from Florida and the other from Maine, scoured the country looking for a surgeon with the experience, expertise, reputation and compassion to fulfill their surgical dreams.

How is it possible that Drs Miklos & Moore have more experience than any academic surgeon or hospital in the country including the likes of: Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Harvard, Yale and Duke University. The answer is simple both Drs’ Miklos & Moore learned years ago, though the USA has some of the best surgeons in the world, the world has surgeons that even surpass the knowledge and expertise of these surgeons in the USA. So, in 1998 Dr Miklos went to Moscow Russia to learn the surgical technique: laparoscopic Davydov Neovagina. More than 20 years later they can honestly say they know of no other surgeon in North or South America with their experience, knowledge or expertise let alone their surgical success in the treatment of MRKH or shortened vaginas.

Most surgeons and medical institutions would say it is not possible to perform 3 of the procedures in one day, as a single Neovagina surgery can take as much as 8-12 hours (as described by the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in a recent promotional advertisement to perform. Not only did Dr Miklos and Moore perform 3 laparoscopic Davydov Neovaginas on January 7th, 2020 but they also performed reconstructive vaginal surgery on 4 other patients on that very same day at Northside Hospital in Atlanta GA.

Post operatively the patients were educated on dilation and vagina maintenance by Dr Miklos & Moore’s patient educator. The combination of good surgical technique and post-operative education results in a 97% success rate in their vaginal lengthening patients.