Vaginal Lengthening for Surgically Shortened Vaginas

(pain with intercourse)


Most patients who undergo a laparoscopic Davydov Neovagina do so because they have the condition known as MRKH.  MRKH also known as Meyer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome is a condition which effects approximately 1/4000 patients and the patient is born without a full uterus and usually only a dimple for a vagina.

However, the second most common reason for vaginal lengthening surgery is vaginal shortening which is usually due to previous surgery ie most likely a hysterectomy.  Patients often suffer from pain with deep penetration and or a feeling that the partner is hitting something or the vagina feels short.  Very few doctors in the world realize that a vagina can be lengthened and therefor will usually offer inferior options such as vaginal dilators or a so-called cutting of scar tissue inside of the vagina.   Though these options are inferior they may be worth trying as they are less invasive.

Recently a patient came to see Dr Miklos & Moore for vaginal lengthening because she had pain with intercourse and she and her husband felt her vagina was too short. This lovely woman had a hysterectomy and removal of her ovaries for endometriosis and pelvic pain.  After the surgery, she daily pain resolved but she suffered from pain with deep penile thrusting when having intercourse.  On examination, her vagina was found to be 5 cm long (1 inch = 2.54 cm) which is approximately ½ the normal length of a normal vagina (8-12 cm).  After a consultation and discussion of the success and failures of the surgery as well as the intra and postoperative risks of the surgery, the patient elected to have the procedure.  The surgery lasted 1.5 hours and she spent one day in the hospital.  Her postoperative course was uneventful and 18 weeks later her vagina measure 9.5 cm.  She stated her pain decreased from 8/10 to 1/10.

Drs’ Miklos and Moore and honored and ecstatic over the results of their surgeries for patients with short vaginas. If you have pain with deep thrusting during intercourse since your hysterectomy you too may have a shortened vagina, know there is hope for you. Contact Dr Miklos & Moore at

If you have tried these options and have not been successful consider seeing Dr Miklos & Moore for a laparoscopic Davydov Neovagina.