ThermiVa FAQs

What is ThermiVa?

ThermiVa is a non-surgical, non-laser, painless in-office radiofrequency procedure for vaginal rejuvenation ( ie vaginal tightening). The treatments utilize radiofrequency energy to increase blood flow, collagen and elastin to the vagina and vulva. Tissue integrity is rejuvenated and tightened through the use of radiofrequency heat. The treatments are gentle, painless and can be customized to meet your needs.

Why are women doing ThermiVa?

ThermiVa has been indicated for the use of vaginal laxity, labial laxity, urinary urgency and frequency, mild urinary incontinence, decreased vaginal lubrication/ vaginal atropy and sexual dysfunction. Several noted benefits of ThermiVa include vaginal tightening, labia majora rejuvenation, improvement in urinary urgency and frequency, improvement in urinary leakage, increased vaginal lubrication, increased sensitivity and orgasmic function.

ThermiVa is a great option for women with a history of breast, uterine or cervical cancer. Radiation therapy to the pelvis often leaves vaginal tissue dry, fragile and less elastic. These patients are often anti estrogenic (meaning the lack the effects of estrogen) giving their skin is less pliable and resilient as it once was during their youth.   ThermiVa naturally increases vaginal lubrication and can restore the elasticity and integrity of the vaginal tissue/ canal.  ThermiVa has been shown to be very effective in the treatment of painful intercourse due to dryness.

ThermiVa is used as a complimentary therapy in the treatment of Lichen Sclerosus. With Lichen Sclerosus, the vulvar tissue becomes fragile, thin and excoriated. ThermiVa provides a gentle treatment to revive the vulvar and vaginal tissue to help restore elasticity and improve symptoms of itching and discomfort.

What are the risks?

There are very minimal risks associated with ThermiVa. No serious complications have been documented. There is a small risk that the treatment will have no effect on your symptoms (<5%) and a risk of blisters or burns (<1%) which is easily avoidable by continually moving the wand during the treatments.

What is the success rate?

Based on studies completed by Dr. Miklos and Dr. Moore, there is a 80% success rate in improving vaginal laxity and approximately 70% success rate in improving mild to moderate urinary leakage. Additional studies have documented success rates with all indications for ThermiVa.  96% of women would recommend this treatment to a friend or family!

How do I know if ThermiVa is right for me?

A consultation and physical exam by your provider may be necessary prior to starting treatments. While ThermiVa is indicated for most women, however there are some exclusions.  Contraindications for treatment include pregnancy, active sexually transmitted disease, current urinary tract infections, severe stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse greater than stage 2. Treatment is not indicated for patients with an AICD or defibrillator, as the radiofrequency energy may interfere with these devices. Treatments can be done as soon as 6 weeks postpartum.

Do I need to prepare for the treatment?

There is very minimal prep prior to starting treatments. A normal pap smear within the last 2 years is recommended prior to starting treatment. It is recommended that the hair on the external treatment area (Labia majora) is either clipped short or waxed/ shaved. Waxing should be completed one week prior to prevent irritation. Antiviral suppression therapy may be indicated for patients with a history of genital herpes to avoid outbreaks. It is important to discuss this with your provider prior to starting treatments. Inform your provider of any history of recurrent urinary tract infections, vaginal surgery or prolapse as further testing or examination may be required.

What can I expect after the treatment?

There is no down-time after treatments! You can resume your normal activities such as exercise, sexual activity and showering immediately. The external skin, if treated, may appear pink/ red and swollen for approximately 1 hour. Light spotting and cramping may occur, which should resolve within 24 hours.

How often are the treatments?

Treatments are completed every 4 weeks for a total of 3 treatments. Treatments last 20-30 minutes.  Many women return for maintenance treatments annually. Maintenance treatments usually consist of one treatment session every 9-12 months.