I was in great hands for my incontinence surgery. Dr. Moore was very caring and compassionate throughout the whole process, and his work shows he is an expert in the field and very experienced at this.

In addition, the practice staff was great, and the hospital where I stayed was also very professional and caring. The last time I experienced so much concern to see patients well cared like that was at an Internationally recognized hospital in Thailand. I needed not to travel that far to experience the same here in the USA. I was always given warm blankets to keep me warm. I did not freeze in the waiting room. Dr. Moore took great care that incisions were small for minimal scarring.

Now, I am happy that I do not have to wake up 20 times every night due to urinary incontinence. I was losing a lot of sleep for months. Now this is no longer an issue. I also opted for vaginal rejuvenation and labia reduction. I did not really know how well I looked down there until my partner complimented me, and mind you he did not know I had the surgery.

Thank you so much for everything Dr. Moore!