Bloodless Surgery

Bloodless surgery is a viable alternative for individuals in which blood transfusions are not an option, whether due to religious beliefs or associated health risk concerns. Dr. Miklos and Dr. Moore are the premier experts in minimally invasive “bloodless surgery,” with their rate of blood transfusions being only 1 in 400. 

Putting into action their 20+ years of medical knowledge and precise surgical skills, Dr. Miklos and Dr. Moore’s goal is to not only minimize blood loss but also avoid transfusions of donated blood, which allows for more favorable outcomes and peace of mind to those individuals who desire to heal without the use of blood transfusions.  

Why Bloodless Surgery?

In all surgeries, there will be blood loss. In the traditional method, the loss is replaced by blood received from a blood bank. In bloodless surgeries, the patient elects to not accept blood or any blood derivatives. There are many reasons why a patient would decline accepting blood:

  1. Religious Reasons
  2. Faster recovery time, hospital stay, and lower risk of hospital acquired infections
  3. To avoid the risks of transfusion, such as:
    1. Risk of infection
    1. Risk of allergic reaction to donor blood 
    1. Risk of receiving the wrong blood
    1. Risk of contamination

How it Works

Prior to surgery, the patient is tested for anemia and given medications and nutritional supplements, if needed, that increase hemoglobin levels to normal levels.  This technique restores normal red blood cells levels pre-operatively and helps the body manage blood loss during the procedure.

During the surgery, tools and techniques are used to minimize blood loss and maintain normal red blood cell levels: a special anesthesia is given to safely lower blood pressure; a harmonic scalpel or an electrocautery device is used to clot the blood while the tissues are being cut; and the patient’s blood is salvaged and washed with the use of a cell salvage machine, and then replaced back into their body if the patient agrees to this technique and is in accordance with their beliefs.  

After the surgery, medications and techniques are used to minimize the loss of blood. When testing for anemia post-operatively often micro sampling is used, which requires less than 10% of the normal amount of blood drawn in traditional surgeries.

Surgeries with Dr. Miklos and Dr. Moore

Greater than 99.9% of the surgeries that Dr. Miklos and Dr. Moore perform can be done without the need for a blood transfusion. More and more surgeries are becoming less invasive. With the use of laparoscopy and other minimally invasive techniques procedures can now be performed while dramatically reducing the loss of blood.

Dr. Miklos and Dr. Moore are internationally renowned urogynecologists who have performed surgery on more than 12,000 patients from 50 states and 54 countries. They have performed over 50,000 surgical procedures on these patients with a blood transfusion rate of 0.5%. Dr. Mikos and Dr. Moore are experts in the field of reconstructive and cosmetic vaginal surgery. The bloodless surgery option fits very well into their specialized area of care, giving patients the opportunity to undergo procedures without using blood transfusions.